Wednesday, February 14, 2007

test page

just checking to see if this pops up on my main page. i'm having problems....

Q R S T U V-Day

let's be honest.....i'm not a big fan of the whole valentine's day celebration. maybe it's because i've spent the majority of my "dating" life single....yes, folks....single. i think it's stupid that today is a made up holiday. and that when i walked into the cafeteria this morning at work there were cheesy decorations up. it made my teeth hurt!

for all of you couples out there, i believe that you should tell the person you love how you feel about them everyday. that's right! who knows what tomorrow will bring.

however, early this morning when i was wiping the sleep out of my eyes, i did get a text message from a very old friend saying, "happy valentine's day, baby!" i have to was nice to know that someone was thinking about me today.

i'm a fighter

i dreaded the walk to my car this morning. i had to move it off the side street and i knew that it wasn't going to be an easy task. i was armed with a mini-shovel......i was ready! i got to my car and was pleasantly surprised. there was hardly any snow on my car (due to yesterdays violent wind gusts) and the snow drifts happened to be near the curb, not on the street. as napoleon dynomite would say, "lucky!" i quickly moved my car in front of my place, padded myself on the back, and strolled to work....well, cautiously walked to work (i didn't want to slip and fall!). it was a beautiful morning.

Monday, February 05, 2007

brave the bitter cold

bears are hibernating.......why aren't we?

Friday, February 02, 2007

waiting anxiously

dear beloved readers,

don't get me wrong, i love the blog-world....but sometimes i forget that i, too, exist in this world. i get so caught up on reading other peoples thoughts and feelings that sometimes i forget that i have thoughts and feelings too that need a little sharing.

please don't be mad.....i'm just a late bloomer and am sometimes a little intimidated by all of you and your wonderful blogs.

more to come.....promise!

dena's blog