Tuesday, August 21, 2007

10 Things I Like About Myself

I was tagged by Mojan! That silly, silly pregnant woman! I know it was a ploy to get me blogging again. Well, it worked and now my blog stalker will stop stalking me :-)

Here it is: 10 things i like about myself (not in any particular order)

1. I like my laugh. I'm not afraid to use my laugh. I like to make other people laugh. I laugh everyday. he he ha.

2. I am generally a happy person because I find joy in the small details.

3. I like my body. This one took a long time for me to accept. It allows me to be the dancer that I am. I thank my body with massages, going to the chiropractor, feeding it with nutritious and healthy foods and exercise. It is the only one I've got and I treasure it.

4. I like that I am neat and organized and I don't live with a lot of clutter.

5. I am genuine, kind and honest.

6. I like the fact that I am independent and self-sufficient.

7. I am willing to try new things.

8. I am an artist. creative. intuitive. sensitive. willing to look and think outside of the box. I am a dancer.

9. I truly care about people. how they feel, what they think, who they are.

10. I like to play.

Sonia...Delara...Kari...Kim...Husayn...YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY BEEN TAGGED!